Before I start let me make this clear, all games featured in this list are based on US release dates.

The views and opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of Atv-Oni-Ota blah blah blah

I've played plenty of great games this year so it was a hard choice. You may notice that there are no FPS or racing games in this list. Let me get this out of the way first, if you say were is my Call of Duty or where is my Fallout... move the f*ck on, you aren't going to find those in this here list.

Anyways lets get on with this thing.

1.Resonance of Fate

This game was absolutely amazing! Yes the game itself pretty simple as far as you go here and do this, then go here and do that, but the battle system is amazing. The characters were interesting, and although the story isn't exactly totally engulfing, it is indeed enough to keep you interested. I give this the top spot because I thoroughly enjoyed every second while playing this game. It's different, it was a gamble, and Tri-Ace lemme tell you what, it payed off.

2.Valkyria Chronicles II

I loved Valkyria Chronicles on PS3, so when I heard about this PSP sequel I was both excited and disappointed. Excited because more VC is awesome, disappointed because it's on the PSP. So did the PSP gimp this game to make it not as enjoyable? Not by any means. It's awesome to have VC on the go! Sure the story isn't nearly as good as its PS3 predecessor but it is still amazing. If you have a PSP then go get this game now!

3.BlazBlue Continuum Shift

The best fighter out there has a sequel. Some small tweaks and some new modes make it even more amazing. The story is awesome, and yes it actually has a story. Go buy this people!

4.Atelier Rorona

Calm and relaxing, fun and entertaining. Rorona is awesome, the characteres are amusing, the game is good. If you want a plot heavy game then go somewhere else, but trust me this is enjoyable!

5.Agarest War

Hmm the naughty edition ftw! Oh and if you're one of those people who are all like “this just uses fanservice to draw in the horny basement dwellers” then gtfo. Guess what!? This game is actually good! Battle system is good, nothing new but its solid. This game is essentially a grind fest but no so much as Cross Edge. You should definitely pick this up and put some nice hours into it.

-Worst of 2010-
As Requested by Tonkun

Final Fantasy XIII

Ok lets face it, this game is either heavily defended or heavily bashed. It looked beautiful, the battle system was alright, and the story was meh. Did I hate this with a passion? No. Did it meet my expectations? No. I both loved it and hated it. The reason that this is the worst game of the year for me is the fact that I felt the least overall satisfaction when I played it.