That's right, an update! The Milky Holmes Website released a new video showing a nice scene. Just in case you are unable to follow what they are saying here is a bit of a summary. The group is deciding on the name of their team. Everyone agrees that it's a good idea, but Sheryl decides to take it a step further and have everyone shout it out right then and there. Anyway, they apparently come up with the lewd yet lolitastic name Milky Holmes quite spontaneously, and the scene ends with a nice group shot.

     Based on this scene I'm guessing it's safe to say that the PSP game's events are stretching back before the events in the anime. We know that the girls of Genius4 are going to be in the game as well, so perhaps the game spans the anime's story. However it is more likely that the game follows it's own story altogether.

Stay tuned for more updates!