Very often we take trains to reach our destinations but how often is it for you to see trains like those in Japan that even has a theme to it? Believe it not not, there's a train service that uses Strawberries as its theme known as the Ichigo Densha or Strawberry Train.

Even the logo is a strawberry... check out the interior design. You really don't get to see these things everyday... The train really looks like it just popped out from a fairy tail world, one that's really extraordinary cute that somehow resembles Hello Kitty.

Somewhat the interior designs definitely looks more comfortable than your travel with our local train service. There are banners of strawberry, posters and pictures of strawberries... And what the heck, even the cushions for the seats are strawberry prints...

And it's only in Japan where such trains are equip with something that looks like snacks and drinks for their passengers... Well even so, don't do it in Singapore cause ya gonna get fine even just by popping a sweet into your mouth...

The other unique train service in Japan is called the Omocha Densha. Briefly translated as the Toy Train, this train is specially design in its interior and even its exterior for kids and their parents to hop on board. Well as you can see, even the exterior is design something as to that of a toy to match its theme...

The whacky interior is somewhat refreshing and it looks like a playhouse for kids to play... But didn't your parents since young told you not to play on a moving train before? So why now?

The train is even equip with a Gacha Machine for those little kids to churn out a little toy... Nice way to make a little more money for a train delicated to kids...

Surprisingly there's even a bed included for small infants to ride on the trains too. Another thing you don't get to see everyday... Now that's what I call extreme customization for a train...

There are even toys being displayed in the cabinets of the trains... Perhaps to tempt them into getting one? I wonder with all that shaking and movement of the train, wouldn't the figures be under extreme turbulence?