As you may or may not have noticed, I have been missing for this month. There are several reasons for this but I suppose you'll read about those in just a second. I am usually pretty diligent when it comes to my blog so for me to be missing is unheard of but meh that will change soon. Actually since November I have been pretty damn scarce tbh.
Ill just give you a run down of this month (and last month if you want to be technical about it).
Hung out with a lot of my family some flew in from California to visit so it was pretty hectic. We were all together for the countdown to the new year and whatnot.
Then I had my birthday
Then I partied like crazy
Then I went into recovery mode
Then I got back in touch with an old highschool friend (I've missed her)
Then I partied again
Then I went into recovery mode again
Then I had a social life
Then I did nothing
and now I am back starting after Tuesday