There are many anime films and shows that are popular. The title of THE BEST ANIME is variable depending on the person. Each person who enjoys anime has a series or film that they think of as greater than the rest.
What makes an anime great? There are many factors. The greatest anime have intense storylines, gorgeous artistry, involving charaactures, and music that takes you deeper into the world.
Many people observe anime for the plotline. Aficionados of a manga will stay with an anime because they are involved in the plotlines from the manga. Animations that can hold good plotlines without a manga are always considered top of the line.
Anime that is animated or drawn awesomely will always capture an audience. Anime movies tend to have better animation and art than a recurring program. This is because films tend to have larger wallets and more time for artists to spend. Anime movies like Spirited Away, Princess Monoke, and My Neighbor Totoro are thought of some of the greatest anime out there due to the precision of art and animation in them.
Anime is also about the personas. People love the characters in them and will cosplay their most liked. Some fans will also be attached to certain couples in an anime series. A popular anime couple is Serena/Darien from Sailor Moon.
Many fans will also enjoy the unique music from their favorite anime. The music from the movies and programs help to nudge the plotline forward and make you empathize more for the characters. From idealized slow jpop jams to tougher, quicker jrock songs, the tunes are just as vital as all else in the animation.