As you may have noticed, I like my trading cards. And if you've been stalking me, then you'll probably know that I like to make a lot of my own cards. Well, I'm always experimenting with new styles, systems, and graphics. Just this past fall I made 2 new trading card sets, both of which failed. I can tell that they failed because I got bored with them fairly quickly. So I'm just going to post the 2 card games because I feel like honoring their failure.

Firstly, Tenekusu! Funny story, I was sitting in a math class and the teacher was repeatedly saying 10x for some reason. As he said it over and over, I suddenly realized that it could make an awesome name for a card game. So I scribbled down the name Tenekusu in my notebook and went to work that night. I wanted to do something different for this card game. So I decided to take my existing template and I cut the width in half. I thought it would give the game a cool, fresh contrast to what I usually do. This card game didn't fail as horribly as the second, but it never really got anywhere. I printed some demos, but then I dropped the project for some reason... Here are some pictures.

The second card game is the bigger failure of the two. For this card game, I wanted to go for something more practical. I wanted to use screen shots from actual anime episodes and put them right in the card. I'd then try to use the situation of the episodes to give the cards descriptions and such. Well, this game died pretty much immediately. I made a total of either 2 or 3 incomplete cards. It was pretty much because of the horrible graphics I used and because I hadn't thought of any solid system. More pictures.

Yes, so, I think for my next card game, I'll try and reuse the concept I had from the 2nd failure. Except this time, I'll be starting at the beginning of the anime season, so I may be able to work out some sort of nice system for making the cards. It'll also be much nicer if I can somehow make my own graphics for the backgrounds and borders. Hopefully it turns out well!