Alright here's the deal; through the dates December 21st-27th, I will be posting a new post each day. These are going to be (somewhat) special posts. 2010 is almost over and when it is, we will have another decade behind us. So the following things will be posted on these dates:

21st. The Best Anime of 2010

-Self Explanitory

22nd. The Best Games of 2010

-Self Explanitory

23rd. The Best Anime Characters of the Decade

-A look at the best characters of the last 10 years

24th. The Best Game Characters of the Decade

-See Above

25th. The Best Anime and Games of Each Year.

As a Christmas present to all of you I will look at the games that came out between 2000-2010 and pick the single best of each category for each year. I hope that makes sense to you all.

26th. The Best Games of the Decade.

-Self Explanitory

27th. The Best Anime of the Decade

-This list will be a bit longer than the rest, it will consist of my top 30 picks of anime for the decade.

I'd really love for all of you to participate as well. Use the comment section each time I post to tell us your lists as well.