Hanako to Guuwa no Tera is a fantastic manga about a man named Asou Daisuke who is nicknamed the Folklore Detective. Asou has his own detective Agency, and he works alongside his partner Hanako.

    The story focuses heavily on things called allegories. Allegories I guess can be defined as things that are only real if you believe in them. Each chapter usually focuses on it's own allegory, but there were a few cases that spilt over into multi-chapter format.

   Definitely my favorite character is Hanako. There are many reasons, so I guess I should list them here. She is a loli, she has awesome Rika-like hair, her eyebrows are killer, she's a super tech, and she has a giant part in the story that I was able to really enjoy.

    The manga is a great mix of action and drama and it's a great deal of fun to read. Stuff like this is my favorite. I like stories that are scary, but not so scary that I'll have crazy nightmares. I enjoyed the fresh storyline and the focus on allegories, mostly because I'd never heard the word allegory until I started reading this manga; I'll always associate the two together from now on. I also like learning about Japanese scary stories, such as the Mary doll story or the "red paper, blue paper" story.

   My one and only complaint about this manga is the fact that(*spoilers*)  after the first few chapters, nothing more is mentioned about Asou's belief that if he has 100 consecutive hiccups he will die. From the moment I read the overview, I was expecting at least one extremely high tension moment where he reaches up to 99 hiccups, but it just didn't happen.

My Rating: 10/10

    If you haven't read this yet, then go and get to it. It's only 18 chapters, and it's not something to be missed. Nice art, fresh storyline, loveable characters, and cool settings make this an awesome manga for me.