Yes I'm late, sue me. I had the angriest Christmas Eve of my life. You'll see a rant about that in a few so yeah.
This list is extremely hard to put together because I can guarantee I will be like ah shit, I forgot about that person >.<
In no particular order as usual
Noel Vermillion (BlazBlue)
Luca Truelywaath (Ar Tonelico II)
Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia)
Yukari Takeba (Persona 3)
Edy Nelson (Valkyria Chronicles)
Liliane Vehlendorf (Mana Khemia 2)
Ayane (Dead or Alive)
even though she was introduced before 2000, she is still going to be in this list so deal with it
Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)
Maria Traydor (Star Ocean 3)
Polka (Eternal Sonata)
-Worst Character -
As Request by Tonkun
Edward (Infinite Undiscovery)
Fuck you, seriously man, fuck you.