Well it's that time. It is now December 21st and time for my first of seven posts this week. For this post (if you couldn't tell from the title), I will post my pick for best anime of 2010. I hope to see plenty of responses to this and hope to see many of you posting your pick as well.

-The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Atv-Oni-Ota.-

It was extremely hard deciding what to pick. There were a few good titles that came out this year, but alas I can only pick one. Without further adieu...

The Winner is....

Angel Beats!

Yes it's a bit anti climactic, and you are probably not very surprised by this. I should probably explain my reasoning behind this. Angel Beats was amazing, it was different from everything else that aired this year, hell it's basically one of the few shows that wasn't a moe slice-of-life show. The plot was unique and hell while I'm on the subject, it ACTUALLY HAD A PLOT. The characters were all interesting and for being only 13 episodes the show had a nice amount of development. I honestly can't see anyone being angry with my decision to pick this as the best of this year. If you haven't watched Angel Beats yet, then you should do so now!

Runner Ups.


For being a slice of life/comedy show, it was actually refreshing in some ways. I thought that Working had the potential to be the best of the year and I almost chose it, but in retrospect I have to admit it can't stand toe to toe with Angel Beats. The reason behind this is that a slice of life/comedy is usually only memorable for a certain amount of time but a great show that steps outside the norm will generally be remembered for a long time. Working is now available for pre-order through NISA under the title Wagnaria.

Highschool of the Dead

This is a show that was different from the norm as well. Yeah some people lost respect for the show because it took a cool concept and slapped on some overly ridiculous fanservice at points. I personally did not mind the fanservice, I didn't think it was overbearing like some people tell me it is. I hope to see more of this in the future (if it will be allowed).

Panty and Stocking

Well I know that many people would disagree with me on this, but come on, it's different. It has a different art style, has great music, and is pretty damn funny (most of the time). You have to respect the fact that it's not the same ol cookie cutter formula we have been increasingly seeing over the last few years

-The Worst of 2010-
As requested by Tonkun.

Arakawa Under the Bridge.

For whatever reason I just could not get into this show at all. The humor was painfully stale, just tried too hard, and did not grasp me at all. If you love it then good for you, but keep this garbage away from me.