And so with the end of AFA, it's back to normal posts on J's Chimes. This time we look into a brand new anime that was aired only recently and had certainly got people talking. Yup, Koe De Oshigoto is finally here and this anime zooms into the eroge industry where voice actors are to project their most embarrassing voices for climaxing scenes for the characters. This anime is something new and refreshing in a sense that voice acting for such is really not an easy feat...

(Before continuing, please take note that this anime is labelled as ecchi and contains scenes not suitable for the young. And so if you are offended in any way, please do not read this post. However, this anime is not classified as hentai as they are of a different level instead.)

Am pretty sure 90& of the time anime fans do venture into other genres of anime and ecchi is one of them. This is quite common in Japanese anime because of their culture. Ask anyone about what eroge is and normally they do not understand what it is or that they would give you a weird stare if they know it. In Koe De Oshigoto, the elder sister of the female protagonist works in a eroge company specialises in recordings and thus ecchi-ness is expected...

If you caught your sister playing an eroge... Then perhaps it's really quite an eye opener... Especially so when the female protagonist caught her sister playing one, only to realise in future that she actually works for an eroge company when invited to become a voice actress for a game...

The female protagonist gets sucked into the world of eroge and began seeing something explicit... (And it's a school too...) And of course, the dolphin is replaced with a spectrum of rainbow light as a mosaic or sorts...

Perhaps to make it more 'children-friendly', explicit scenes are not with characters being naked while doing it... though it is so, it doesn't mask the erotic scene this one is...

I love how the creativeness of Japanese censorship and this NG design certainly keeps you thinking deeply... Perhaps they would really uncensored it in the DVD version?

And so how do you understand more about eroges? Play them of course... The female protagonist is later encourage to play one by her sister. Eroge is a very big market in the Japanese industry and sometimes in other countries too... So don't think eroges are bad. They can be as popular as games like Gears Of War to epic games like Call of Duty.

The female protagonist tries to be in sync with the characters of the game and feel as though she's the one 'doing it'. Only then will her emotions be fully portrayed. It certainly isn't easy to be a voice actor for normal anime... But an eroge seems much worse off...

And how do you learn to make 'sucking' noises for eroges? Try practicing with your finger or someone elses... Keep your saliva flowing...

Perhaps a little too much... Oh no, she's messing up the scripts... Sometimes I also do wonder how these voice actors must have felt doing this... How in the world do you train to produce such erotic sounds without actually doing it and stuff? Some 'special' training?

The feeling of ecstasy right after a climax of some sorts... Guess she overdo it quite a bit...

And again another illusion scene as seen by the female protagonist... This time, late in the evening in the school library. A very common location in most eroges you would see which tells a story in a school life setting...

Perhaps voice recordings are a little too much to bear even if you are the sound controllers or producers of this recording... Imagine having to hear such voices in real time...

Koe De Oshigoto! is a nice anime which is comedic and entertaining in a different perspective. Much similar to animes like Doujin Works where sexual themes are seen in another light. We really should salute up to these people who voice over such games as it really isn't easy to do such jobs and not be embarrass about it...